Fallout new vegas pre order packs
Fallout new vegas pre order packs

fallout new vegas pre order packs

3 Super Stimpaks - When you absolutely, positively, need to keep your blood inside your body, Super Stimpaks fix you up in no time.Mercenary’s Grenade Rifle - Though similar to other 40mm Grenade Rifles in the Mojave Wasteland, this model has a faster reload cycle.Lightweight Metal Armor - Modified for long-range travel, this Metal Armor sacrifices some protection for mobility and overall weight.Binoculars – The Mojave Wasteland is a dangerous place, but with these trusty Binoculars you’ll be able to spot trouble coming.4 Repair Kits - Useful for repairing any outfit or weapon, Repair Kits are a valuable tool for any caravaner.Sturdy Caravan Shotgun - Despite its rough appearance, this Caravan Shotgun will reliably fire 20 gauge shells until the Brahmin come home.Lightweight Leather Armor - This hand-modified suit of leather armor reduces its overall weight without impacting its ability to protect.10 Throwing Spears - If you would like to silently pin an enemy's head to a wall, Throwing Spears are the way to do it.5 Bleak Venom doses - Useful on any Melee Weapon, Bleak Venom makes short of work of most living targets.Broad Machete - This heavy-bladed melee weapon does high damage against limbs and can quickly deal out a flurry of attacks.Tribal Raiding Armor - Pieced together from scraps of armor, this outfit provides protection without impacting mobility.5 Stimpaks - Food and water are good for long-term healing, but when the fighting is fierce, Stimpaks help keep Wastelanders upright.Weathered 10mm Pistol - A well-worn 10mm pistol that packs an extra punch despite its modest size.Vault 13 Canteen - This handy device is useful for staving off dehydration and providing a small amount of healing in the Mojave Wasteland.Armored Vault 13 Suit - Extensively patched up and dotted with piecemeal armor, this outfit is an homage to the classic ending of the original Fallout.The packs come in the form of Classic, Tribal, Caravan, and Mercenary, all containing in-game items offered exclusively through GameStop, Amazon, Steam, and Best Buy.

Fallout new vegas pre order packs